
What's Your Psychic Power? | Forum

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spectrumAU Moderator
spectrumAU Sep 5 '15

Are you psychic? Take the test and see.

My result...

You are Clairvoyant! You possess an amazing psychic power to see situations way clearer than most. You can even foretell the future. In many cultures you are considered a "seer" because your ability to see far into the future is incredible. You have the ability to make powerful predictions. Your premonitions are usually spot on, and when they're not it's because you've second guessed yourself. You also have extremely vivid dreams that you can easily recall. Always go with your first intuitive hunch because you're always right. You have to start giving yourself more credit. Cultivate your gift by keeping a journal of your intuitive hits and of your dreams. Revisit your journal often to see how much your psychic gift is growing! 

The Forum post is edited by spectrumAU Sep 5 '15
billyHill Moderator
billyHill Sep 5 '15
how interesting...... And what is super odd is the fact that I am mostly deaf, so I really can't hear in general without my hearing aide.

You Are Clairaudient


You are Clairaudient! You possess an amazing psychic power to hear people's thoughts and to channel. You can even hear messages from non-physical beings like the deceased and Spirit Guides. You have the ability to channel the thoughts of Spirits. In many cultures you are called a "medium". You oftentimes have songs pop into your head that you weren't thinking about or may have little interest in. This is usually a Spirit communicating with you. And you probably hear voices too! But you're not crazy. You're gifted. Cultivate your gift by keeping a journal of every song that "pops" into your head. Then do the research on the song's lyrics and see how they apply to your current situation.
spectrumAU Moderator
spectrumAU Sep 5 '15
Billy, clairaudience is not hearing with your ears but with your mind.  Per the dictionary... 'the power to hear sounds said to exist beyond the reach of ordinary experience or capacity, as the voices of the dead.' 
billyHill Moderator
billyHill Sep 6 '15
Louise, I understand that. I just think its a tad ironic that I can't hear what goes on around me in the world, but those voices in my head really aren't mine
Corina63 Sep 6 '15
Clear seeing
spectrumAU Moderator
spectrumAU Sep 7 '15
Billy, I think that's the way it works.  When one sense recedes or fades another develops to compensate.

But if those little guys in your head tell you to jump off the roof and fly... ignore them. 

Then again, if they tell you today's the day to buy a lottery ticket... 


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